About Us
Assembly for the Arts
Assembly for the Arts is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization with a focus on advocacy, cultural policy, racial equity initiatives, research, marketing that elevates the region, and services for nonprofits, artists, and creative businesses. Put simply, Assembly is here to “expand the pie” and increase equity in Cleveland’s arts and culture industries. It is governed by a volunteer board with a strong commitment to diversity and inclusion. Almost 70% of Assembly’s 26 board members are women, and almost 60% are Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC). Assembly by design operates in close partnership with Cuyahoga Arts & Culture, a government agency and Assembly for Action, a 501(c)4 political action nonprofit to serve the entire creative sector.
To convene, coordinate, and collaborate with everyone who lives and works in Greater Cleveland to strengthen and support those in the region who create, present, experience and appreciate all forms of arts and culture.
To ensure that everyone who lives and works in Greater Cleveland benefits from a diverse and equitable arts and cultural sector, and recognizes that the arts are an essential, defining element in the quality of life, social fabric, and economic vitality of the region.
- Mutual Respect and Unity. Build a unified cultural community that supports and advocates for artists, nonprofit cultural organizations, and creative businesses, encouraging this collective to work together, using the power of the arts, to drive change in greater Cleveland.
- Inclusion and Racial Equity. Redress systemic racism through building an anti-racist organization that serves artists, business owners and nonprofit leaders, helping them move to action to create a more equitable arts community; this includes advocating for more equitable funding to BIPOC artists and organizations and removing perceived and real barriers that currently limit all residents from participation.
- Transparency and Trust. Collaboration is built on a shared vision that supersedes the limits of individual and organizational self-interest.
- Collaborative Leadership. Resources must be strategically, equitability and efficiently connected.
- Adaptability and Agility. Vitality hinges on an ability to creatively evolve and adapt to changing environmental circumstances.
The Preamble
We the People of Greater Cleveland, in Order to form a more perfect Community, establish a body of like-minded artists, storytellers, non-profit organizations, creative enterprises and professionals that unite around a shared set of values. Empowering all through advocacy, activism, racial equity, and creative resources for the arts. With a promise of creating a more inclusive and equitable arts and culture community, members will gather from all artistic disciplines, racial and ethnic backgrounds, and abilities to build a better Greater Cleveland.
Strategic Priorities
- Advance an ambitious advocacy agenda to elevate the arts and culture sector
- Work against systemic racism
- Ensure economic stability for artists and creative professions
- Position and communicate arts and culture as a valued sector by all residents and community members