Meet the team: Raíces Danzas de México

Creative Impact Fund Project: Raíces: Danzas de México
The dance workshop “Raíces: Danzas de México” will focus on preserving Mexican culture through dance. Although each of Mexico’s regions are represented with a variety of dance styles, we are going to focus on the prehispanic or indigenous dances. There is spirituality and symbolism that drives each movement of danza prehispánica. We want to teach the participants a deeper meaning as opposed to the stereotypes associated with Mexican culture.
The workshop sessions will take place Saturday mornings for 3 hours each for a duration of 6 weeks. Each session will consist of historical information on the instruments and culture, and the symbolism of each movement. We will then proceed with a warm up, dance session, and cool down. The music will be live as it is played on a Huehuetl drum. The languages utilized to communicate during the workshops are Spanish and English, depending on the audience members. Additional vocabulary will be taught in the indigenous language, Nahuatl. AlmaVision will provide the space for the workshops at Ingenuity. We hope to have up to 20 participants.
The workshops will be open to the public, ages 10 and older. We are hoping for a diverse group of participants. Participants will build cultural awareness and value and respect each other’s cultural perspectives and practices. We hope we can all come together to celebrate diversity. AlmaVision is prepared to commit to the “Raíces: Danzas de México” workshop. We are currently in the planning stages to implement this project. We have created a budget and we have set dates to begin advertising for the project. Lilly will impart the workshops and she will be assisted by AlmaVision team member, Alejandra Arteaga. Additional team members are also ready to assist where they are needed. Advertising for the workshop will begin during the summer months via social media and print.