Many public officials throughout Northeast Ohio have supported arts and culture for years. All that these representatives have done and continue to do to make arts and culture a true partner does not go unnoticed. Thank you for continuing to build policies supportive of arts and culture, and also, thank you for continuing to include and call on creative industries to help you meet the needs of your communities.
In recognition of their attendance at the Public Officials Recognition Breakfast that indicates their acknowledgement of the importance of arts and culture, the 2022 Arts and Culture Honor Roll includes the following individuals. Thank you for all you do, to ensure Northeast Ohio arts and culture communities not only thrive, but remain embedded into the fabric of our region.
- Senator Nickie Antonio, Ohio General Assembly
- Mayor Richard Bain, Pepper Pike
- Mayor Annette Blackwell, City of Maple Heights
- Dr. Patricia Blochowiak, East Cleveland City Council
- County Executive Armond Budish, Cuyahoga County
- Councilman Greg Burger, City of Fairview Park
- Councilman Kevin Conwell, City of Cleveland
- Councilwoman Yvonne Conwell, Cuyahoga County
- Councilwoman Chanell Elston, City of South Euclid
- Meryl Johnson, Ohio State Board of Education
- Council President Pernel Jones, Cuyahoga County Council
- Councilman Judson Kline, Orange Village
- Council President Paul Marnecheck, City of North Royalton
- Council President Nathaniel Martin, City of East Cleveland
- Judge Lauren Moore, Cleveland Municipal Court
- Judge Andrea Nelson-Moore, Cleveland Municipal Court
- Representative Phillip Robinson, Ohio House of Representatives
- Councilman Richard Scott, City of Brookpark
- Charna Sherman, Cuyahoga Arts & Culture Board of Trustees
- Brian Siggers, Ohio Environmental Council