Cleveland Artists Represent the Region at the 2024 Miami Art Week
The City of Cleveland’s Arts, Culture, and Creative Economy Department is proud to collaborate with…
Bibb Administration Launches Transformative Arts Fund, Nearly $3 Million in Grants Now Available to Local Artists
Between 6 to 12 Cleveland-Centric Projects Will Receive Awards Ranging from $250,000 to $500,000…
Artists for ARPA in Cleveland
Commit 2% of the $500 million+ Cleveland is receiving in federal ARPA funds to Arts & Culture!
The COVID-19 pandemic has hit the creative sector hard. An ARPA investment of $10 million helps protect and brings jobs to EVERY neighborhood. We are creative businesses. We are cultural nonprofits. We are individual artists and so much more. We remain anchors for neighborhoods all over the city. ARPA funds will protect one of our greatest assets that is central to Cleveland’s economy and identity. A massive THANK YOU to all for participating in the Artists for ARPA campaign over the past weeks!
We’re making progress
Recently, Mayor Bibb included a recommendation in his transition report to allocate $10 million to arts and culture. This is an exciting step, but we must help Cleveland City Council understand why their vote in favor of this recommendation is a smart choice. Your voice matters.
Why rescue arts & culture?
In 2019, the City of Cleveland had 15,849 jobs by creative industries alone and generated $2.9b in sales within our local economy. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has devastated our community – taking away the ability of many artists, arts organizations, and creative businesses to survive. The unprecedented financial damage rose to $146 million and impacted 5,000 jobs in Cleveland-area cultural nonprofits alone.
This sector’s recovery is essential to the recovery of Cleveland as a whole. Every day, our sector makes positive differences in:
- Education
- Public Safety
- Health Care
- Mental Health
- Community Revitalization
- Regional Tourism
- Retail + Hospitality
- Resident Well-being
As people around the globe start to recover from the pandemic, local creatives in your neighborhood are still struggling, but we have a plan.
Assemble Now
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Email Your City Council Member
Encourage your City of Cleveland Council member to vote in favor of 2 cents of each ARPA dollar to arts and culture. Email your Council Member now, and put the arts in ARPA for Cleveland.
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View the latest news and updates for the rescue plan for Cleveland’s Creative Communities and artists for ARPA.