Arts and Cultural Industry Workforce Barometer - 2004

A Survey of Northeast Ohio Nonprofit Arts and Cultural Organizations

Arts and Cultural Industry Workforce Barometer

Report detailing the results of Community Partnership for Arts and Culture’s second survey of job loss and growth in the arts and culture sector. 2004.

This report summarizes Arts Cleveland’s second survey of job loss and growth in the arts and cultural sector. The survey’s goal was to understand the health of Northeast Ohio’s nonprofit arts and cultural assets. This survey was expanded to include Cuyahoga, Geauga, Lake, Lorain, Medina, Portage and Summit Counties.


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Economic Impact of Non-Local Arts and Culture Consumers

Economic Impact of Non-Local Arts & Culture Consumers

An economic impact report on 9 Cuyahoga County-based arts and culture organizations. 2004.

This study examines the economic impact of 9 Cuyahoga County-based arts and culture organizations with different budget sizes and disciplines. The report is intended to improve regional understanding of the economic impact of arts and culture visitors to Cuyahoga County.


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Arts & Culture Organizations: A Study of Their Occupations

Arts & Culture Organizations: A Study of Their Occupations

An analysis of the occupations supported by NE Ohio’s arts and culture sector. 2004.
This study analyzes the occupations supported by Northeast Ohio’s arts and culture organizations. It specifically focuses on those that are not typically associated with the arts and culture sector, such as trade, clerical, transportation, and maintenance workers. The report examines the cross-over of arts and culture occupations with other industries.

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Advancing Support Systems for Artists in the Cleveland Metro Area

Artists, whether they are visual, performing, literary or media, are a stimulating force in communities across the U.S.

They are typically the entrepreneurs of the arts and cultural sector. They ask probing questions, take risks and develop new concepts that can be fostered and built upon in both the non-profit and for-profit arenas. Artists penetrate all parts of society, from the neighborhood level to the commercial level. They engage residents in discourse through performances and instill pride through the development of community reflective murals. They influence the design of our everyday wares and develop challenging creative works such as dances, films, novels and paintings

Artists, however, are not always well understood by the communities they inhabit. A lack of information about their needs and contributions has resulted in less than adequate systems to support their diverse efforts. To address this topic, a national consortium of foundations commissioned The Urban Institute in 1999 to conduct a study of the systems and structures that support the work of individual artists. Released in 2003, Investing in Creativity: A Survey of the Support Structure for U.S. Artists spawned a nationwide effort (led by Leveraging Investments in Creativity) to dramatically improve conditions for individual artists.

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Arts and Culture Participation (Akron) – Benefits and Barriers 2002

Benefits and Barriers - Greater Akron

A Survey of Arts and Culture Consumers in Greater Akron

This study outlines what drives consumers to participate in arts and culture activities in Greater Akron. 2003.

This study outlines what drives consumers to participate in arts and culture activities in Greater Akron as well as what prevents them from doing so. It is intended to aid in the development of programming and marketing concepts for arts and culture organizations in Greater Akron.



Cleveland City Council Arts and Cultural Summit Report. 2002.

This report highlights the findings of the Cleveland Arts and Cultural Summit, a community discussion by Cleveland City Council. The report covers recommended action items designed during the summit to help sustain the regional arts and cultural industry.


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Arts and Culture Participation - Benefits and Barriers 2002

A Survey of Arts and Culture Consumers in Northeast Ohio: Arts and Culture Participation – Benefits and Barriers. 2002.

Eight focus groups and a telephone survey of 800 adults were conducted from July, 2001 to November, 2001. Participants in the study were only those who have participated in at least one arts and cultural activity or event during the past year. The objectives of this study were to 1) identify the major benefits of arts and cultural participation in NE Ohio, 2) identify the major barriers and motivators for arts and cultural participation. This information was intended to aide in the formulation of programming and marketing concepts for arts and cultural organizations in NE Ohio.

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NEO Arts and Culture Plan. 2000

A community-wide dialogue on supporting NE Ohio’s arts and culture sector. 2000.
Northeast Ohio's Arts and Culture Plan

The development of this plan was the result of a community-wide dialogue process. It outlines the goals, objectives, and action items necessary to holistically support the arts and culture communities in Northeast Ohio.

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Artists, Organizations and Audience Survey Results

1999 Synthesis of findings from three surveys about individual literary, performing, and visual artists; arts and cultural organizations; and cultural audiences.

This narrative presents findings from three research projects:

􀂙 Section 1: Individual Artist Survey examines the needs of the region’s diverse community of literary, performing, and visual artists.

􀂙 Section 2: Organizational Survey explores the scope of education, outreach, and tourism programs as well as collaborations and partnerships.

􀂙 Section 3: Audience Survey reveals a wealth of information on arts and cultural consumers, such as perception of event quality and value, purchasing habits, and other events and services enjoyed along with arts and cultural experiences.

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Target Markets - 1999

Target Markets

An analysis of customers from a diverse group of arts and culture organizations throughout Greater Cleveland. 1999.

This report analyzes the customer data files from a broad and diverse cross-section of performing arts groups, cultural organizations, and entertainment attractions throughout the Greater Cleveland area. The study was conducted in conjunction with the development of a community cultural plan for Northeast Ohio.

