About the Arts & Culture Sector

A key to supporting the arts and culture sector is to understand what makes it tick. Learn about the arts and culture sector’s internal strengths and challenges, and the ways in which those challenges are being met creatively.

Support for Artists Campaign Findings

Outcomes of the Support Artists Campaign Assembly is excited to receive a $500,000 grant from Cuyahoga Arts & Culture to administer support for artists programs in 2024.  This is a 25% increase in CAC funding over last year.  Chosen as the sole…

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REVS Cleveland / Akron

Reopen Every Venue Safely – Cleveland Akron Guidelines and best practices for live music venues in Cleveland/Akron as part of the national Reopen Every Venue Safely (REVS) campaign. With COVID-19 came the shutdown of many businesses. While…

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Elevating The Influence of Arts and Culture

A Cleveland Playbook A history, of the tactics that contributed to successes in the Cleveland, Ohio, area to realize the fuller potential of arts and culture. You’ll also see call-out material with more concrete, universal lessons to help you apply…

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Culture Pulse 2017

Culture PulseExamines financial trends, such as income and expenses, as well as participation, human resource and space trends. It also compares Cuyahoga County trends with national trends and is informed by a set of three focus groups. Dive deeper…

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Culture Pulse 2015

Cuyahoga County residents have access to world-class arts and culture organizations and individual artists. Through classic and contemporary works, arts and culture is celebrating our heritage and imagining our future. Such great cultural…

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Culture Pulse 2014

Culture Pulse 2014 In Culture Pulse 2014, Arts Cleveland/Community Partnership for Arts and Culture leveraged 2010-2012 data from the Cultural Data Project on a sample of 96 arts and culture nonprofits in Cuyahoga County. 2014. Just as our pulse…

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Culture Pulse 2013

Culture Pulse is an in-depth analysis of the financial, human capital and infrastructure health of 93 arts and culture nonprofits in Cuyahoga County. Culture Pulse leverages information from the Ohio Cultural Data Project (OCDP) to examine trends…

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Cuyahoga County Arts and Culture and Economic Recession. 2009

Arts, Culture, and the Recession Analysis exploring the arts and culture sector in light of the “Great Recession.” 2009. Some have suggested that the arts and culture sector, as it is currently constructed, has not kept pace with…

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Strengthening Arts and Culture

A survey to assess gaps in services available to the arts and culture sector. 2008. This document summarizes the results of a survey that looked at the levels of familiarity, use, and favorability of arts and culture sector-building activities.…

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Northeast Ohios Arts and Culture Plan – A Report on Progress

This report highlights the advancements Northeast Ohio had made regarding each of the four goals outlined in Northeast Ohio’s Arts & Culture Plan:  Access (to effectively connect the region’s people to arts and culture); Learning (to establish…

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A survey to assess gaps in services available to the arts and culture sector. 2008.

Northeast Ohio’s Arts & Culture Plan Assessment

This report highlights the advancements our community has made regarding each of the four goals outlined in Northeast Ohio’s Arts & Culture Plan. 2007.

This report highlights the advancements our community has made regarding each of the four goals outlined in Northeast Ohio’s
Arts & Culture Plan:  Access (to effectively connect the region’s people to arts and culture); Learning (to establish lifelong arts and cultural education); Partnership (to make arts and culture a partner in neighborhood, community and regional development); and Resources (to develop financial and other resources to sustain and grow the arts and cultural sector).

Increasing the Strength of the Undercapitalized in the Arts and Culture Sector

A report outlining Arts Cleveland’s initial research on supporting undercapitalized arts and culture groups. 2005.

This report provides Arts Cleveland’s initial research on best practices for supporting traditionally undercapitalized arts and culture groups – individual artists, small arts and culture businesses and emerging arts and culture nonprofits. It looks at two specific strategies for increasing the sustainability of these groups:  financial models and operational models.


Advancing Support Systems for Artists in the Cleveland Metropolitan Area

A report outlining the four top needs of individual artists in NE Ohio. 2005.

This report is the culmination of a seven-month planning process designed to strengthen the support systems for artists in Northeast Ohio in response to the Urban Institute’s 2003 report Investing in Creativity:  A Study of the Support Structure of U.S. Artists.  In this report, Arts Cleveland (formerly Community Partnership for Arts and Culture) assesses the four top needs of individual artists in Northeast Ohio: low cost finance, health insurance and benefits, entrepreneurial training and assistance, and artist service organization collaboration. This report was made possible with support from Leveraging Investments in Creativity (LINC), a ten-year national campaign to improve conditions for artists in all disciplines, so that artists can more readily do their creative work and contribute to community life.

Arts and Culture Festival Competitive Analysis

A report focusing on arts and culture festivals operating within 250-miles of Cleveland. 2004.

This report summarizes a comparative analysis of arts and culture festivals operating within 250-miles of Cleveland. The purpose of this study was to better understand the competitive environment that Cleveland and Northeast Ohio festivals encounter. This study analyzed budget, attendance, theme, target audiences, marketing strategies, volunteer support, and the economic impact that festivals can bring to a region.

Artists, Organizations & Audience Survey Results

This body of research guided discussions related to developing NE Ohio’s first strategic arts and culture plan. 1999.

Arts Cleveland (formerly Community Partnership for Arts and Culture) was responsible for developing Northeast Ohio’s first strategic arts and cultural plan. To guide policy decisions related to this plan, Arts Cleveland launched a series of research initiatives between March 1998 and March 1999. In addition to providing valuable information about Northeast Ohio’s collective arts and cultural resources, this body of research gives individual organizations an opportunity to learn more about their programs, services, and audiences. This report presents findings from three surveys. The Individual Artist Survey examines the needs of the region’s diverse community of literary, performing, and visual artists. The Organizational Survey explores the scope of education, outreach, and tourism programs as well as collaborations and partnerships. The Audience Survey reveals a wealth of information on arts and cultural consumers, such as perception of event quality and value, purchasing habits, and other events and services enjoyed along with arts and cultural experiences.