Forming Cleveland
Forming Cleveland
A Visual Arts, Craft and Design Industry Study

Visual arts, craft and design are a large part of our daily lives, which are inundated with images not only through museums or private collections, but also through product consumption. Art penetrates our environments and can inspire collective action. The creative process inspires us to think about new concepts, applications, and markets for stimulating innovation. In order to position greater Cleveland’s visual arts, craft and design sector for continued growth, the community needs to understand the strengths and challenges facing the sector. Forming Cleveland provides a foundation of research to achieve this aim as well as spur discussions about how to strengthen the sector in its role as an innovator for our region. Arts Cleveland and Cleveland State University partnered to explore the visual arts, craft and design industry in this study. It includes eight case studies on how the visual arts, craft and design industry is impacting our city’s landscape and vision for our future.
Creative Minds in Medicine
Creative Minds in Medicine
A Cleveland Creative Intersection

Cleveland is fortunate to be home to world-class healthcare and arts and culture assets. Increasingly, these sectors are developing creative intersections and partnerships which are impacting individual and community health and well-being. From expressive arts therapies and the design of healthcare environments to addressing public health issues and enriching medical education through the arts, Creative Minds in Medicine explores a broad range of Cleveland’s arts and health intersections and poses recommendations for strengthening them in the future. Learn more about this innovative work through six case studies, which demonstrate how Cleveland’s arts and health practitioners are creating positive outcomes for individuals while also leading our city to a healthier future.
Case Studies
- Art Therapy Studio 1.44 MB
- Devising Healthy Communities 1.26 MB
- Billy Bear’s Honey Chase 1.30 MB
When Artists Break Ground
When Artists Break Ground
When Artists Break Ground provides information about, and lessons from, the Artists in Residence program, a collaboration between CPAC and Northeast Shores. The organizations invested $2.2 million in a 3-year period into artist-neighborhood relationships in the Waterloo area in North Shore Collinwood. The report shares how the process worked: its strengths, its shortcomings and third-party recommendations and reflections. A wealth of data supplements the report to illustrate changes in neighborhood residents’ perceptions, traction among audiences and changes to the neighborhood’s landscape.